Thursday, March 26, 2009

Be my portfolio editor

OK, so I have no idea how many people actually look at this blog, so I may be mainly writing to the wind with this. But, I figured it's worth a try.

For those who do read it every once in a while, this is a chance for you to be my photo editor. After looking at my portfolio so much to decide what should stay and what should go, I feel like I need some fresh eyes on it. This is where you come in. Over the last several months I've posted all kinds of photos to this blog. Some of them work, some don't. Also my portfolio has seen a few small changes. But now I'd like to hear your input. You get to help me decide what new photos I should bring in to the portfolio. More importantly, you get to help me decide which ones I should take out. After all, a portfolio is only as strong as its weakest photo. So here's how it's gonna work, you can do as much or as little of this as you want. For you other photographers out there, when the time comes, I'll do the same for you...

Take a look at my PORTFOLIO. Let me know a couple of things: Which photos really grab you, or you particularly like? Which photos could you do without. Use a simple system going by the category and number. For instance, "I don't think singles #1 and #4 should stay." Photo stories are not immune either, let me know if a photo just doesn't fit right.
Then, go to my FLICKR PHOTO STREAM, which has all of my recent work. Check out pages 1-9. If you see some photos that you really would like to see in the portfolio, let me know about that.

Leave all these comments, critiques, etc. in the comments section below. If you don't like a photo, tell me why. Don't worry, I have thick skin when it comes to that, I'm really interested to see what you guys think.
The photos that receive more than just one vote will be considered for the portfolio, same with those that should maybe be taken out.
A BIG thank you to anyone who participates in this. I feel like we photographers tend to lurk around other photog's sites without leaving much feedback. I know I do. Hopefully this experiment will help change that approach. That said, big thanks to fellow MU students CHARLES, MITO and TAYLOR and anyone else who occasionally drops some comments on the blog. Check out their work if you get a chance too. We should be each others editors more often, it only makes us better.


6 Leave a comment:

Anonymous March 26, 2009 at 10:12 AM  

4, 5, 11, 15 and 17 in your current portfolio aren't working for me.

Some recent photos I'm digging:

Nocomo Industries

Keyed Blumberg

Retiring Pastor

Foreclosure ****

For what it is worth, I think portfolio-by-committee will leave you with a generic book that isn't cultivated to showcase your vision. I think it is best to work with one talented photo editor - like Eric Keith - and build something that shows off your take on photojournalism.

So, ignore everything I said.

August Kryger March 26, 2009 at 10:31 AM  

Thanks Ryan, I'll check out your suggestions. And, this is more of an exercise to get me to look at my photos in a different light.
I don't plan on letting people decide what my portfolio looks like. Rather, I'm interested in finding out what people like and dislike and fostering a little discussion as to why.
Some suggestions I'll take, some I definitely won't. But I think it's worth a try. That's one of the unique things about this web environment. Of course I can just ask one editor for their suggestions, but that's not exactly what I'm trying to do here.

Thanks for your comments, I look forward to seeing what other people write.

Anonymous March 26, 2009 at 8:44 PM  

For singles:

#1 is an almost. The right eye focused kills me. I wish it were the left. Then the rest would fall out of focus. I love the color and the light, but that minute detail just bugs the hell outta me. I love it otherwise. But with it, no.

I agree with Ryan. 4 & 5 out. There's no context to 4. I'm bored. Oooh, a girl looking at something.
5 just doesn't do anything for me either. I think the framing is too much, too distracting.

7 maybe. I'd really like a name for him.

13 can be moved up higher.

Kill 15.

On 16, where is this scene? I don't know where Sedro-Woolley is. Help me out. Plus, I kind of want to see the focus on the crash versus the fireman.

The ones without captions need one.

On 8, I enjoy the fact that she's like... translucent almost. It emphasizes the haunted aspect of the building.

Sports: Kill 7. 8 seems too 'shopped. Not sure about the lack of focus on 9. But I enjoy 10 and 12. However, I may choose one of the two, not both.

Foreclosure is good to add. And retiring pastor.

Other than that, I don't really have any suggestions. Well, I'm sure I could talk more if you asked me in specific, but I don't feel like typing any more. Hahaha. Hope that helps somewhat.

Rhea March 29, 2009 at 8:48 AM  

You have several on Flickr I think are different and worth a look at-
Snow feature-Mar 2-page 3
Football-Mar 21-page 2
Kids-Feb 6-page 5
Super Science-Feb 1-page 6
sunrise Jan 5-page 9
And I've seen many great basketball ones from the tournaments-and wrestling action ones too-Will maybe write down on a weekly basis if a special one catches my eye for the different and unusual-but I'm just a novice at this-It's in Your EYE what you're looking for to tell the story!! Good luck and continue to love what you do!!

August Kryger March 23, 2011 at 3:44 PM  

Thanks Ryan, I'll check out your suggestions. And, this is more of an exercise to get me to look at my photos in a different light.
I don't plan on letting people decide what my portfolio looks like. Rather, I'm interested in finding out what people like and dislike and fostering a little discussion as to why.
Some suggestions I'll take, some I definitely won't. But I think it's worth a try. That's one of the unique things about this web environment. Of course I can just ask one editor for their suggestions, but that's not exactly what I'm trying to do here.

Thanks for your comments, I look forward to seeing what other people write.

August Kryger March 23, 2011 at 3:44 PM  

4, 5, 11, 15 and 17 in your current portfolio aren't working for me.

Some recent photos I'm digging:

Nocomo Industries

Keyed Blumberg

Retiring Pastor

Foreclosure ****

For what it is worth, I think portfolio-by-committee will leave you with a generic book that isn't cultivated to showcase your vision. I think it is best to work with one talented photo editor - like Eric Keith - and build something that shows off your take on photojournalism.

So, ignore everything I said.

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About me

Freelance photographer based in Columbia, MO.

I received my master's degree in photojournalism from the University of Missouri.

You can find me on Twitter under the username hawkryger if you're into that sort of thing.

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